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Monday, September 28, 2015

And so it begins....The boring admin part :)

Welcome to the FINAL module of your MPhil HPE coursework! I trust that you are approaching this with great excitement and not trepidation. As the final module, it is expected to be one that is complex and fitting for that of a "seasoned" and "critical thinking" Health Professional Educationalist.

Don't worry though, this module is far from boring. It is one in which, as promised, you will hopefully get to flex your HPE muscles that you have built up over the past two years using technology to facilitate the teaching and learning process. Though technology is a focus, I hope to engage with you in a discussion where we will start to change the way in which we approach these teaching and learning interventions, shifting from an E-learning to a lEarning approach. An approach in which learning is the focus and the electronic/technology component is just one of the tools used, along with content, teaching style, interactive group activities, assessment, etc.

In saying this, I would like to remind you that the approach that is used in this module is one of experiential learning. This means that you will be working on designing a new intervention/prototype, but at the same time use technology in a way that you could replicate in future as a teaching and learning tool through the blogs.

For each week of the module, you will have one aspect to focus on. The purpose of doing it in this way is for you to be able to focus your thinking and reading (and definitely writing) in a structured manner. As discussed at the beginning of the year, and in the module outline, we will be using one of the many instructional design approaches out there. ADDIE is a very basic, but useful method to use when embarking on the design of a new intervention. There are obviously many other design-based methods out there, however, for the purposes of this module, we will be focusing on this one.

I will be engaging with all of you on your blog as well as on this central one. It is also required of you to engage with your colleagues participating in this module on their blogs in order to learn through discussion and possibly collaboration. Please be sure to re-read the assessment structure for this module in the module outline and ask any questions you may have regarding this via the blog or the SUNLearn module forum.

I will be posting something specific to the focus of the week on each Monday of the module (don't worry, this post isn't it for the week) in order to begin the thinking and planning for your assignment. Remember, the finished product of this module is not to have completed the full ADDIE cycle, as the time given for the module is not sufficient. Instead, you are expected to at least complete the first three phases of the process Analysis, Design and Development; and then if it is not possible to complete the process with Implementation and Evaluation, to theoretically conduct these in a discussion in the assignment.

I look forward to this Exciting and Engaging
lEarning modulE!

*SUNLearn Forum message*
Dear Colleagues

I am happy to welcome you to the e-Learning elective. Please remember that we will be working exclusively via the blogger platform. The Central Blog healthElearning ( ) will be used to post discussion topics and share suggestions and guidelines for the focus of each week. The interactivity from your side via the blogger platform is compulsory and contributes to the mark for this module. This will require you to blog at least once a week on your personal blog that you created as well as comment on your fellow MPhil colleagues' blogs during the module. Though we will not use the regular academic platform, it is still an academic exercise and I would like to encourage you to search for, and share, as many articles as it applies to the work you will be doing in preparation for your assignment at the end of the module. 
A suggestion is to use the terms Blended Learning, when searching for articles, as this is the more common/acceptable term used these days. Some of the more useful databases, apart from Google scholar, are Wiley Online, Springer and Ebscohost. These can be found on the library website.

As a reminder for you, these are your colleagues that you will be working with for the next 4 weeks on this module:

Tin Maung MaungYamin

Please visit their blog to share your constructive ideas and feedback on their posts as the module progresses.

 I will post this forum announcement on the blog as well for those who may not check to see them here

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