Welcome to the module!
Today's meeting has the one goal: To get your hands dirty with e-Learning.
To achieve that we are going to talk, discuss, think, guide, learn how to blog, comment ...
Let the experience wash over you (but do not forget to make notes on your hand-out. I have recorded a short welcoming message on www.soundcloud.com it should play below. Have fun!
Technologies mentioned during the presentation:
- Whole bunch of technologies described at: http://checit.wikispaces.com
- Steve's podcasting website for SU FMHS - https://fmhspod.sun.ac.za
- Soundcloud for recording on the fly (our group): http://soundcloud.com/groups/mphilhse
- MOOCS (Massive Open Online Courses): https://www.coursera.org/ | https://www.edx.org/
- OERs (Open Educational Resources): UNESCO Open Educational Resources | MIT Open Courseware
- Wikis (collaborative website on the fly): http://www.wikispaces.com/|
- Learning Management systems (LMSs): Moodle, Blackboard, Sakai - eLearninglearning website
- Social networking technologies: Facebook | Twitter
- Clickers (Audience response systems): http://www.participate.co.za/ | Maties mobile connect
- Blogs: www.blogger.com | www.wordpress.com
I am looking forward to learning with everyone! Welcome MPhil class of 2013 :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Lianne for posting this comment as an example during training.