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Monday, July 12, 2010

Blog post - how to add an image and a link to a webpage

Please view the embedded video/ screencast below:

  1. I created and edited a screencast on my computer, using Camtasia Studio.
  2. I then published the video in a webfriendly format directly to
  3. I then copied the "Share"/ "Embed" information/ code of the video on Screencast.
  4. After that I came to the blog - created a new post - switched to "Edit HTML" mode and pasted the copied code into the blog post.
  5. Then I clicked Publish post and this is what you now see!
Here is the embedded screencast on How to make a blog posting in which you place an image and link to a website. Enjoy!


  1. Dear JP
    This is the 1st time I have heard about screen cast. It helps to hear the instructions and see it on the screen. What an effective instructional tool. My next step is to load up an image.
    Thank you

  2. Thanks Bugsy

    Screencasts are quite neat ways of communicating short snipppets of information.

    I used Camtasia Studio and then uploaded the final Video to from where I can publish it anywhere on the web.

    SU is busy installing similar software (called Camtasia Relay) that will be available to all SU staff and students for creating their own screencasts, for recording lectures or seminars, or (maybe even) getting your safety first campaign going by creating short presentations where you not only show information but also hear it.

    Want to join in the fun?

  3. Wow!!! I'm really impressed & this has given me so many ideas... I keep coming back to the problem I face & that is all my students going into fieldwork, don't have any electronic resources to access & help them prepare for a fieldwork block. I would like to use e-teaching a create a site that has screencasts, digital storytelling, blogs, etc.

    This won't link to a specific objective, but a need for students. Is this a viable option to explore?

    When will Camtasia Relay be available? I'm trying to download Camtasia Studio now...

    Thanks again...
