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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Marshmallows and prototypes

What do the two have in common you may ask! And what does it have to do with e-Learning in Health Sciences!

Well, the prototype is easy, as all participants in the module have to design a small prototype e-Learning product/experience/idea/curriculum etc.

The marshmallows come from a colleague at Stellenbosch University's Business School, Martin Butler, who referred me to The Marshmallow Challenge, an exercise he does with senior business executives on the value of prototyping. This was after I sent him a link to a short document on how to choose an LMS for an institution (the gist is that one has to ask a lot of questions). As Martin says - yes, questions are important, but more important is building a quick prototype and getting feedback on the idea. In this way one sees the issues that even the questions could never have anticipated!

Thought this might be a good reminder of how we should be thinking about e-Learning design.


  1. But if you throw out the e-bait questions, my e-xperience (in this module and in HSE) is that the e-ffort of peers to reply is e-specially e-ratic and the e-ngagement more like an e-clair in the middle of the winter in Sutherland: you suck and suck to no e-vail.

    Now, let me get a marshmellow, a cup of hot chocolate with my e-friend ADDIE.

  2. Sorry - I thought I could edit my previous post, but then removed it by accident. My idea is to try out a prototype of my proposed blog. It was discussed with the 4 students when I did my survey and they seemed keen to try out the prototype and give feedback - and I hope they still are. Will keep you posted.

  3. Stef - I am sure we will gEt plEnty of dialoguE in nExt wEEK about all things E-rElatEd! I hope ADDIE gave you comfort and support in your EndEavour of designing the perfect leanring experience :)

    Physicalot - good planning wit the prototype. Be sure to record the students' inputs. You could have them give their comments about the blog on the blog (comments)! One could also design a short survey using Survey Monkey ( or by creating a Google form (very easy and powerful for short quick surveys). See a screencast on how to create Google forms at web address:
