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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Round number ...? e-Learning and passion.

The blogs are now silent ...

Maybe something to liven up your e-Learning spirits is an old blog post: Crash course in learning theory (from Creating Passionate Users). It is fun and useful - but only supplementary to your current reading material.

I would (and I trust Antoinette will agree) like all participants to comment at least once on each others' blog postings. To do that there should be some action on all of your blogs (for there to be comment). Could we try in the last week of official e-Learning "moduling" to get a sense and experience of what the collaboration and social networking power of blogs can be.

You are by now hopefully starting to write up your main (70%) document describing your project in terms of the ADDIE model for submission on or before 11 August (on Webstudies). Remember that the 30% reflection on your and the others' ideas and projects happen on the blogs.

Hope all have had some rest over the weekend and are now ready for the final stretch.


  1. Hi JP

    I am busy with the preparation of the main document. Still hoping for some help on the use of blogs as part of the final program. In the mean time I used your advice to use Google docs to publish some documents. The links to these files are on my blog.

    Kind regards


  2. Hallo JP

    Eureka! It seems at last that things are moving into some direction for my project. Can I just say... thank you JP! I downloaded the free file.. and suddenly I can actually see how it can all come together. It took me long to put it all together, but I am soooo enthusiastic about the potential this application has created for me. I am a global learner and needed to get a glimps of what the future product will look like and this has done it for me.
    My project, as mentioned before will focus on training material for clinical skills development. I have worked on the project for CSC and did not want to just copy what we have done there. For ethical reasons I wanted to try it for myself. I would like to create a DVD from my production that will allow students to access the learning material without having the luxury of internet connection.
    Many people still do not have interner access at home and making the DVD available to them will allow them the opportunity to utelise it at home as well.They have to have access to a PC of course.

    I am very excited at present and would appreciate your input as I am sure that many obstacles still awaits me.

    Wilhelm is doing a great job of his project so far. Well done Wilhelm!

    Tot n volgende keer,

  3. This is absolutely great news!
    I am very glad the penny dropped and you feel the liberation and exhiliration of an exciting project.
    The whole issue around internet connectivity is of course a crucial one (important for the Analysis and Evaluation phase of ADDIE) and your reasoning around it is sound (although I would not rule out maybe delivering on CD AND on the web.
    I will be happy to help and support where and how I can.

  4. I cannot believe I reached you here!
