A BIG word of welcome to all of us to our joint e-Learning module blog as part of the MPhil HSE!
This year we are going to try something new and exciting! I will place audio messages (podcasts) on Soundcloud where we as an e-Leanring module have our own special group (called MPhilHSE).
Click on the icon/picture/logo below of soundcloud to go to the group audio dropbox. It really is easy to use, so try it out! I have placed one or two recordings on there already. Please feel free to experiment.
JOIN the group (you will quickly have to create a username and password - or log in with your Facebook account) and then it is easy to add comments in the discussion, as well as to record your voice directly online.
One can record online, or upload audio files that can be listened to by all of us. There is also space for discussions. All you need is a headset! There are some other interesting features as well, but lets start with the basics. (Remember to jin the group and to get a Souncloud account/ log in with Facebook.
Task: Everybody go to our SoundCloud group Audio dropbox and record something of less than a minute! "Hear" you online!
Send us your sounds